Huffin’ for the Stuffin’ WODs


“thighs before pies”

Take 10 mins to establish max weight combined for the following movements:
2 Thrusters  
4 Hang Power Cleans
6 Front Squats

Score = Total Weight Combined

At 3, 2, 1, Go! Each partner will take turns completing one movement at a time. Athlete A will complete 2 thrusters and their chosen weight, then Athlete B will complete 4 hang power cleans, then Athlete C will complete 6 front squats. Athletes may add weight to the bar at any point and all reps for each lift should be unbroken. Each athlete must pick a movement to submit a score for.

Wod 1 standards

Thrusters: Thrusters begin with the barbell on the ground.  A full squat clean into a thruster is allowed. The crease of the athlete’s hip must clearly pass below the knees in the bottom position of the squat.  The rep is credited when the barbell is directly over the middle of the athlete’s body or slightly behind and the arms, hips, and knees are fully extended. A front squat followed by a press is not allowed. If the barbell is dropped from overhead athletes must let the barbell settle before the next rep. 

Hang Power Cleans: The barbell must start in the hang position. The barbell must be taken from the floor to extension at the hip before beginning the hang power clean. The bar must be taken from the hang to the shoulders with the hips, knees fully extended with the feet in line and elbows in front of the bar. In the Hang Power Clean the bar can be cleaned from the hip to anywhere above knee height. In all reps the arms must be fully extended on return to the hang before completing the next rep. Muscle clean is permitted.

Front Squat: In the front squat the bar will rest in the front rack position with both hands in contact with the bar. Athletes must start the movement at full hip and knee extension (no squat clean allowed to start the rep). At the bottom of the movement the hip crease must be below the top of the knee. At the top of the movement full extension must be met at the hip and the knee.


“its all or stuffin”

Follow the Leader Style: FOR TIME

30/25 cal row (M/W)
25 box jump overs
25 shoulder to overhead

Time cap: 9 minutes

Intermediate M/F = Row (30/25) Box (24/20) Barbell (95/65)
Masters M/F = Row (30/25) Box (20/20) may step. Barbell (85/55)
Novice M/F =  Row (30/25) Box (20/20) may step. Barbell (75/45)

Score= Time finished

On 3, 2, 1, Go! Athlete A starts on cal row, once done advances to 25 box jump overs (rower is reset). Athlete B can then start on the cal row. Once Athlete A completes box jump overs they advance to the S2OH (while Athlete B finishes the rower and waits). Once Athlete A completes all 20 S2OH, Athlete B can then start on box jump overs and Athlete C can then start on the row (rower is reset). Once Athlete B finishes box jump overs they advance to the 20 S2OH. Once Athlete B finishes S2OH, Athlete C can then begin box jump overs and then advance to S2OH. When Athlete C finishes S2OH time is called. 

WOD 3 Standards

Box Jump Overs: 2 feet take off is required, step down is required. Both feet must touch the top of the box for the rep to count, jumping completely over the box is not permitted. No other part of the body may touch the box at any point in time. Missed reps do not have to go back to previous side of the box, athletes may continue from either side in the case of a no-rep. Full extension at the top of the box is not required. 

Shoulder to Overhead: Each rep will begin with the bar in the front rack position. Any variety of press is permitted, strict, push press, push jerk or split jerk. At the top of the movement the bar must finish locked out at the elbow directly overhead with full extension at the knee and hip. The feet must be in line under the body. On return the barbell must make contact with the shoulders before beginning the next repetition. If using a spit jerk both feet must return together with the lock out for the rep to count.  Athletes may not drop the bar from overhead. Novice and Master’s Female athletes must return the bar to the ground by placing it on the ground and can not drop the bar at any point during the workout. This will result in a no rep of the final rep. 

Row: the athlete may begin the workout seated in the rower but may not grab the handle until the call of go.  The monitor must be set to zero at the start.  Damper can be set to the athletes preference.


“last but not feast”

On a 14 minute clock complete the following:

Part A:
AMRAP 10 chipper style
30 Synchro Burpees
30 Synchro DB Goblet Squats
30 Synchro Deadlifts

Intermediate M/F = DB (50/35) Barbell (145/105)
Masters M/F = DB (40/25) Barbell (125/85)
Novice M/F =  DB (35/20) Barbell (96/65)

Part B:
In remaining time accumulate as many points as possible of the following gymnastics movements:

Pull Up: 1 pt per rep
C2B Pull up: 2 pts per rep
Wall Walks: 3 pts per rep (unbroken means no more than 3 sec rest between reps)
HSPU : 4 pts per rep (kipping is allowed, 1 abmat on the floor for all athletes for safety)

Sit up: 1 point per rep
Pull up: 2 pts per rep
Scaled Wall Walk: 3 points per rep
Full Wall Walk: 4 points per rep

Score 1= Rounds + Reps
Score 2= Total points

On 3, 2, 1, Go! Athletes A and B must start their synchro burpees and Athlete C can sub in at any time. Once all burpees are complete, Athletes will then move on to the synchro Db goblet squats, and then on to the deadlifts. Once all 3 movements are completed, go back to the top and complete the three movements for as many rounds as possible. Athletes can split up movements however they want. Once 10 minutes is up, athletes will move on to Part B. Athletes must take turns, in order, with each athlete having a turn before any athlete goes again (so Athlete 1 goes, then Athlete 2, then Athlete 3, then Athlete 1, etc. ) Each athlete must cross the tape line before the next person can begin their movement. Each Athlete can choose any of the movements. Not all movements need to be used, for example all 3 athletes can choose to do the same movement if they want. Athletes can choose different movements on subsequent turns if they want. All sets must be unbroken, once a set is broken and/or the athlete rests, the next athlete must take their next turn.

WOD 2 Standards

Synchro Burpees: Synchro happens at the bottom and top position of the burpee. This means both athletes must have thighs and chest touching the ground at the same time and both athletes must reach full extension at the top of each burpee at the same time. One athlete may wait in either position for the other athlete to arrive at that position at any time. One rep starts in the bottom position and finishes in the full extension top position. Synchro clap at the top position is required. Novice/masters: Athletes can jump or step back and jump or step in.

Synchro Goblet Squats: Single dumbbell is held in the goblet position at the chest. Both athletes must reach the bottom position of the squat (below parallel is required) and stand to full extension at the top together for each rep to count. One athlete may wait at either position for the other athlete for the rep to count. Squat clean is allowed for the first rep. The rep is credited when both athletes return to the fully extended position. 

Synchro Deadlifts: The rep starts with the barbell on the ground. The rep is credited once both athletes are fully extended with shoulders behind the bar. Bouncing barbells off the floor is not permitted, arms must stay fully extended throughout the deadlift. The bottom part of the movement (barbell touching the ground) does not need to be synchro.

Gymnastics movement standards

Sit Ups: The athlete will start in a seated butterfly position and will lay back and reach behind the head touching the ground with both hands. The rep is credited when the athlete sits up and touches the feet with both hands.

Pull Up: Any style of pull ups are permitted including strict, kipping and butterfly. Chin ups are not permitted, it must be an overhand grip. Athletes must start each set from a fully extended dead hang position and the chin must clearly go above the bar for each rep to count. Unbroken reps means not coming off of the bar between reps. 

Chest to Bar Pull Ups: Same standards for the pull ups, however the bar must make contact with the athlete at the collarbone or below for each rep to count. 

Scaled Wall Walks: Athletes must start and finish each rep with thighs and chest on the ground, both hands in front of the starting position line (55” female, 60” male). Both feet must be off the ground and on the wall before hands move. Both hands must move to behind the starting position line with no part of the hand touching the line. Hands must return to the starting position before feet come off the wall. 

Wall Walks: Athletes must start and finish each rep with thighs and chest on the ground, both hands must be touching the starting line (55” women, 60” men). Both feet must be off the ground before the hands can move. Any part of both hands must make contact with the tape line on the ground (10in from wall) before walking hands back to starting position. Feet must remain on the wall until both hands are touching the start tape line. 

HSPU: Every athlete will be allowed 1 abmat to put on the ground in front of the wall. Kipping HSPU are allowed. The rep will start with the athlete kicking up to the wall in any style and in the fully locked out position. The rep begins by lowering down with the top of the head touching the ab mat. The rep will be credited when the athlete reaches full extension with both feet on the wall. Hips, shoulders and elbows must all be fully extended and in the locked out position for the rep to count. Any part of the athlete’s hands must remain in contact with the tape line on the floor (10in from wall, 30in wide) for the rep to count. 

Floater WOD

“Ridin’ turkey”

Max calories on assault bike
-While the other 2 partners hold farmer carry

Intermediate M/F = M- Farmers Handles (90) W- 53 KB
Masters M/F = (60/44)
Novice M/F =  (44/35)

Score= total calories on the assault bike

On 3, 2, 1 Go! Athlete 1 will start on the assault bike for as many calories as they can, while Partners B and C are holding weights. Athletes may rotate at any point. Once an athlete puts the weight down, all athletes must rotate; Partner B bikes, while C & A farmers hold. This will continue until the 4 minutes is up. 

Movement Standards

Assault Bike: Athletes cannot grab the handles until the clock starts.
Farmers Hold: Athletes cannot grab their weights until the clock starts. Arms must stay fully extended with an upright posture.