Tuesday 07/16/24




Warm Up

5 up downs 
5 tight kips 
5 kipping K2E 
-with an empty bar 
3 deadlifts 
3 hang high pulls 
3 hang power cleans 
3 push jerks 

25 min cap 

3 rounds 
3 clean and jerks (135/95 95/65)
6 T2B 
9 burpees over the bar

-rest 2:00 after round 3 

3 rounds 
3 burpees over the bar 
6 clean and jerks (same weight)
9 T2B 

-rest 2:00 after round 3 

3 rounds 
3 T2B 
6 burpees over the bar 
9 clean and jerks (same weight)


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