Sunday 05/26/24



Warm Up

15 Jumping Jacks
8   Total Alt. Front Rack Barbell Lunges
8   Yates Row (w/barbell)
8   RDL to Shrug
—Empty Bar —
(3) 1 High Hang Power Clean 
(3) Power Cleans (mid-shin)
(3) Deadlifts (mid-shin)



11 Rounds for Time
8   Deadlifts (225/155 lb)
9   Power Cleans (135/95 lb)
23 Sit-Ups

(w/partner both partners working at same time. One on DLs while other on PCs - each team has 2 barbells total - 1 at DL weight & 1 at PC weight, then synchronous situps, then start the next round together. Both partners work at the same time and do all 440 reps.)

Background: “Give A Shit” is a memorial WOD that commemorates the five Marines who lost their lives in an Osprey crash on June 8, 2022.

The workout was designed by William Teter, an active-duty Recon Marine and Force Fitness Instructor based at Camp Lejeune. Teter has a personal connection to the tragedy, as he lived near the family of Corporal Nathan Carlson, one of the deceased Marines.

The name of the WOD, “Give A Shit,” reflects the motto of the Purple Foxes of VMM 364, the unit to which the fallen Marines were assigned. The elements of the workout are symbolic:

– 11 Rep Barbell Complex: Representing the Swift 11 call sign, the complex includes deadlifts, hang cleans, front squats, push presses, back squats, and push-ups. The exercises can be performed in sequence or as 11 reps of each exercise before moving to the next.
– 22 Box Jumps: Symbolizing the MV-22 Osprey aircraft involved in the crash.
– 346-Meter Row: Representing VMM 364, the unit’s number.

The recommended Rx weight for the barbell complex is 135 lb for males and 95 lb for females. The workout was first tested at Camp Lejeune and serves as a tribute to the Marines’ service and sacrifice. Through “Give A Shit,” the memories of the fallen Marines are honored and their legacy is preserved within the fitness community.


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