Sunday 09/29/24



Warm Up

4 Alt Groiners
4 Wall Walks (No Hands)
5 K2E
— Empty Bar —
4 Push Presses
4 Push Jerks
4 Thrusters 
4 Back Squats


“Sweet Potatoes then Marshmallows”

Part A  - AMRAP 13

15/12 Cal Ski (or Row)
3 Wall Walks
Max S2OH*  (95/65) (85/55) (75/45)

-----Rest 4:00----

Part B  - AMRAP 13

12 Barbell Rows  (95/65) (85/55) (75/45)
8 T2B / K2E / K2W
Max Back Squats* (95/65) (85/55) (75/45)

 -----Rest 2:00----

 Part C

4:00 to Find 2 RM Thruster**

 [Score #1*  Max Reps Part A + B   /   Score #2** Max Wt. 2 RM Thruster]


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